After School

Afterschool Program Announcement

Dear Parents,

The afterschool program will start on August 19. There will be a lot of changes this year. 

First, parents  will register students by going online to a link on our school web page, Facebook page or by scanning the QR code. We will allow students to attend the after school program in phases. Phase 1 enrollment will start on August 19, and it will be for students that have parents that cannot be home at 3:00 due to his/her job.  Parents that mark a workplace on the registration form will be asked to provide valid documentation of an employer along with the days and hours that the parent is required to work. Only students in Phase 1 will be allowed to attend the after school program  beginning on August 19. Parents  must receive notification from the school before the child can stay. Once we begin with Phase one for several days, we will attempt to add other students in Phase 2. 

Another change for this year’s after school program is students that are participating in extra-curricular activities such as sports cannot enroll in the program until his/her season has ended. Coaches will communicate with parents in regards to when these students will need to be picked up from school. 

Parents must have registration completed and meet the Phase 1 requirement before students can begin staying in the program. The deadline for registration is Wednesday, August 14.