Parents » Student Handbook

Student Handbook

Student Handbook


  1. Arrival/Departure
  2. Attendance
  3. Band/Music
  4. Cafeteria Rules
  5. Care of Property
  6. Change of Address/Telephone
  7. Discipline
  8. Sexual Harassment
  9. Dress Code
  10. Emergency Closings
  11. Injuries, Illness – Emergency
  12. Leaving School During the School Day
  13. Library Books
  14. Medical Conditions/Medication Policy
  15. Money – Supplies, Breakfast, Lunches, Break
  16. Parent – Teacher Conferences
  17. PSO – Parent Support Organization
  18. Promotion and Retention
  19. Report Cards
  20. School Sponsored Activities
  21. Telephone, Use of
  22. Transportation
  23. Transportation Change
  24. Textbooks
  25. Visitors
  26. Withdrawal and Transfer Procedure
  27. General Rules
  28. Bullying Policy
  29. Food Allergies
  30. Cell Phones

All students in grades Kindergarten through 3rd grade who are car riders should be dropped off/picked up in the front of the building at the elementary entrance. Students in grades 4 through 8 should be dropped off/picked up in the rear car rider line which is located on the north end of the building.  The road should be entered from the east and exited to the west on Hughes Street.  Students in Kindergarten through 2nd grade who arrive before 7:30 a.m. will go to the cafeteria.  Students in 3rd through 8th grade who arrive before 7:30 a.m. will go to the gymnasium. Students arriving after 7:30 a.m. will report to their homeroom; kindergarten students will report to the cafeteria and be escorted to classroom by their teacher.  Students arriving after 8:00 a.m. must sign in through the office.  EVERY EFFORT SHOULD BE MADE TO ARRIVE AT SCHOOL PRIOR TO 8:00 a.m.  School will dismiss at 3:00 p.m. Students who are car riders should be picked up at 3:00 p.m.  Visitors should not park in the driveway in front of the school.  If students have a change in their pickup, a note or phone call must be sent to the school. Please make every effort to notify the school of any transportation change by 1:00pm that day. 


McNairy County Schools

Attendance Policy

Attendance is a key factor in student achievement and therefore, students are expected to be present each day school is in session.

Excused absences included:

  1.  Personal illness
  2. Illness of immediate family member
  3. Death in the family
  4. Extreme weather conditions
  5. Religious observances

Procedures on Attendance

Parents may either write a note or call the school to excuse the student from school for a maximum of five (5) school days.  If a student is absent and returns without having had a parent call and/or send a note, the absence will be classified as unexcused.

Once a parent has used the five parent notes/call-ins, the parent must provide a doctor’s, dentist’s, therapist’s, or court note excusing the student from school.  Any absences not documented by such a note will be classified as unexcused.

All late check-ins or early check-outs must have a doctor, dentist, therapist, or court note to be excused.  Five (5) unexcused check-ins or check-outs will equal one unexcused absence.

  • Four unexcused absences will result in a call from school
  • After the fifth unexcused absence parents will be contacted by the truancy officer
  • Upon the sixth unexcused absence the parents will be cited to court


Instruction in band is provided for interested students in grades 6-8.  Instruments are not provided and are the responsibility of the parent/student.  


Breakfast and lunches are served daily.  

In order to ensure an atmosphere which allows students to enjoy a wholesome and tasty meal, the following rules must be observed:

  • Enter the cafeteria quietly and orderly.
  • Sit at your assigned table and practice good manners.
  • Do not return to the serving area once seated. Get a la carte items when you go through the line.
  • A la Carte will start in 1st grade.
  • Speak quietly and only to those on your table.
  • Students that bring their lunch cannot re-open them once leave the cafeteria.
  • Follow the instructions of the cafeteria aide.
  • Be sure food is not left on the table, chair, or floor. Always clean up after yourself.
  • Do not swap or share food.
  • Dispose of tray correctly.
  • Food or drink cannot be taken from cafeteria.
  • High energy drinks and outside food from restaurants are not permitted.

If you choose for your child to have a soft drink at lunch it should be brought to school in a plastic container.  


All coats, book bags, lunchboxes, and other personal items should be labeled with your child’s name.  Students are discouraged from bringing extra money to school.  Be proud of Adamsville Elementary School.  Protect the building, respect the rights of fellow students, and always do your best.  Report any damage to school buildings/ground immediately.  Keep your desk and the area around it neat and clean.  Marking on desks, walls, in restrooms, etc., will be considered destruction of school property.


Notify the school immediately, preferably in writing, when there is a change in home/work address or telephone number.


Students are expected to behave in a manner which allows for an environment conducive to learning.  Respect for teachers, administration, and other staff members is expected.  Student behavior should be such that it does not disrupt fellow students or infringe on their rights.  Expectations for conduct and consequences for misconduct will be administered as prescribed in the McNairy County Board of Education school policy.  

A copy of the classroom discipline plan will be sent home.  Please read the behavior expectations and consequences carefully.  Every effort will be made to keep parents informed through telephone calls, notes, and conferences.  


Students shall be provided a learning environment free from sexual, racial, ethnic and religious discrimination/harassment.  Student discrimination/harassment will not be tolerated.  Discrimination/harassment is defined as conduct, advances, gestures or words either written or spoken of a sexual, racial, ethnic or religious nature which: Unreasonably interfere with the student’s work or educational opportunities; or create an intimidating, hostile or offensive learning environment; or imply that submission to such conduct is made an explicit or implicit term of receiving grades or credits; or imply that submission to or rejection of such conduct will be used as a basis for determining the student’s grades and/or participation in a student activity.  Alleged victims of sexual, racial, ethnic and religious discrimination/harassment shall report these incidents immediately to a teacher, counselor or building administrator.   Students or parents can express concerns, complaints, or grievances to Danny Combs, Diane Dierks, Title IX Coordinator Brian Jackson or Jennifer Hunt.


Parents and students are responsible to make sure the student is appropriately dressed and following all the guidelines listed below whenever they are on any school property or at any school function:

4th-8th Dress Code and Appearance Policy

  1. All students are expected to be neat with clean clothing that is worn in the intended manner.
  2. All shorts, dresses and skirts must be the appropriate length which will be determined by one of the following methods (1) being no shorter than their longest finger when extended down straight at their side; or (2) being no shorter than six inches from the floor when kneeling on the floor. As long as it meets one of the methods it is considered appropriate.
  3. All pants, shorts, skirts, and dresses must not have rips/holes that bares skin or undergarments above the knee. 
  4. Leggings and tights must be covered by shorts, skirts, dresses or shirt that must meet the appropriate length as described above.
  5. All clothing must be worn in such a way that undergarments are not exposed, and midriff areas are covered at all times.
  6. Clothing that express violence, obscenities, hatred, or that advertises/promotes alcohol, tobacco, illegal substances, skulls, skull emblems, or sex is prohibited.
  7. Appropriate footwear must always be worn.
  8. Appropriate undergarments must always be worn.
  9. Boys must wear shirts with sleeves.
  10. Girls’ shirts must be at least 3 inches wide over the shoulder and not expose any undergarments on the shoulder or under their arms.
  11. No “backless”, “strapless”, “midriff”, low cut tops or cleavage is allowed.
  12. Sheer clothing cannot be used to meet the guidelines if the clothing beneath does not meet the guidelines.
  13. No pajama pants or other sleepwear may be worn to school unless related to a school event.
  14. Costumes or any kind of masks cannot be worn to school unless related to a school event.
  15. Hair must be a natural color and worn in a style that is not distracting.
  16. Head coverings including hats cannot be worn at the school or on the bus except to sporting events, outside school events, or unless for religious purposes.
  17. Visible piercings are limited to the ears only.
  • Clothing worn by participants during athletic practices or sporting events may not have to meet all the standards above, but must be appropriate for the activity, be as modest as expected, approved by the coach and worn only during practice and/or sporting events.
  • Students must follow the guidelines above when they are at after-school events, sporting events in or out of McNairy county, on the bus, on field trips, or on other school campuses unless otherwise approved by the administration.
  • All infractions of the above guidelines will be handled using the approved discipline ladder and the student will have to immediately correct the infraction or other clothing will have to be brought to the school before the student may return to class.

PreK-3 Dress Code and Appearance Policy

  1. All students are expected to be neat with clean clothing that is worn in the intended manner.
  2. All clothing must be worn in such a way that undergarments are not exposed, and midriff areas are always covered.
  3. Clothing that express violence, obscenities, hatred, or that advertises/promotes alcohol, tobacco, illegal substances, skulls, or skull emblems, or sex is prohibited.
  4. Appropriate undergarments must always be worn.
  5. Appropriate undergarments must always be worn.
  6. No pajama pants or other sleepwear may be worn to school unless related to a school event.
  7. Costumes or any kind of masks cannot be worn to school unless related to a school event.
  8. Hair must be of a natural color and worn in a style that is not distracting.
  9. Head coverings including hats cannot be worn at the school or on the bus except to sporting events, outside school events or unless for religious purposes.
  10. Visible piercings are limited to the ears only.

Students must follow the guidelines above when they are at after-school events, sporting events in or out of McNairy county, on the bus, on field trips, or on other school campuses unless otherwise approved by the administration

All infractions of the above guidelines will be handled using the approved discipline ladder and the student will have to immediately correct the infraction or other clothing will have to be brought to the school before the student may return to class.


Occasionally school is closed or dismissed early due to weather conditions.  Please keep accurate phone numbers on file.  Also, develop a plan with your child for pick up should these closings occur during school hours.


School personnel will make every effort to notify parents/guardians when a child becomes ill or sustains an injury which will prevent him/her from continuing in planned activities.  Emergency cards must be kept on file in the school office for every student.  Parents are asked to complete these cards when sent home and return them to the school.  Parents should notify the school when there is a change of address, phone number, place of employment, or family doctor.



Students are not allowed to leave the building/campus without prior permission from the administration.  Students leaving prior to 3:00 p.m. must be signed out and picked up in the office by a parent or guardian or other adult responsible for the student.  We request that all parents wait in the office until your child arrives.  No parent /guardian will be allowed to pick up their child from the room.  If your child has restricted pick-up please notify the school in writing.  Include the child’s name and the names of those with whom the student may leave.  This should be completed and on file in the office during the first week of school.  Only those persons listed on the student’s information card will be permitted to check out the student. Parents are encouraged to schedule appointments with the doctor or dentist during a time other than the school day.  Students will be marked absent for the remainder of the day upon leaving school early.


Library books may be checked out and are the responsibility of the student who checked out the hook.  Fines will be levied for lost or damaged books. Students will not be permitted to check out a new book until a lost or damaged book is returned or replaced. 


Special conditions (allergies, handicaps, etc.) should be recorded on the child’s emergency card.  It is the responsibility of the parent to notify the school of such conditions.  Law prohibits the dispensing of any kind of internal medicine without the proper documentation.  If a student must take medicine during the school day, the school must be given specific instructions for administering along with the name of the medications.  This information should be on the proper forms that can be acquired in the office of the school and must be properly filled out and signed by the doctor and parent.

Head Lice Policy:

If an active head lice infestation is found, the principal or his/her designee;

  1.  Shall notify the parent/guardian;
  2. Shall see that the parent/guardian receives a letter to explain the condition, list the requirements for readmission and state the deadlines for satisfactory completion of the by the school treatment;
  3. May assign the student to an area that will minimize the transmission of infestation until parent/guardian picks up the student.  If the parent/guardian cannot pick up the child, the student may ride the bus home;
  4. Satisfactory examination by the school nurse or principal or his/her designee may be required.

A student will be expected to have met all requirements for treatment and return to school no later than two (2) days following exclusion for head lice.  All days in excess of the allowable period will be marked as unexcused and referred to the attendance director at the appropriate time.  Chronic cases that appear to be severely neglected may be referred to the school nurse for additional attention by appropriate authorities.

Tick Removal Policy: cover the tick

The staff and teachers at AES will not remove embedded ticks on students.  School personnel will cover the tick with a band aid and call the parent.  If the parent cannot be reached by phone, a note will be sent home.  A student may remove a tick from himself/herself and dispose of it by flushing.  A parent cannot give verbal consent for school personnel to remove a tick.  A parent can come to school and remove the tick.  The teacher will document the incident and report it. 


Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled during the school year.  Other conferences as needed are encouraged. A teacher, parent, or principal may request a conference.  If you would like to schedule a conference with your child’s teacher, please call the school or send a note to the teacher.


The Adamsville Elementary School P.S.O. is quite supportive of the school and its programs.  Parents, guardians and all community members are encouraged to join and become active members.  The annual membership drive is held in September.  The P.S.O. will meet each month.  Meeting notices will be sent home by students prior to the meeting.


The professional staff at Adamsville Elementary School places students at the grade level best suited to the student based on the students’ academic, social and emotional development.  It is expected that students will normally progress from grade to grade.  Retentions will occur when, in the judgment of the teacher and the principal, such retention is in the best educational interest of the student. Parents will be notified prior to the student being retained.  All decisions regarding promotion/retention will be made in accordance with the policy of the McNairy County Board of Education.


Report cards are issued four times per year.  The report card indicates your child’s progress in school.


Students attending any school sponsored event are expected to behave in the same manner as they do during the regular school day.  The same rules of conduct apply, and a student may be banned from the activity if behavior is disruptive or prejudicial to good order and discipline. Students that go on field trips must travel with the class to the destination and remain with the class until they return to school. Students are the responsibility of the classroom teacher.


Students must have permission from the school secretary or the principal before using the school phone.  Normally, a member of the school staff will make a call for the student.  The school phone is a business phone and should be used only for illness or emergency situations. Students are not permitted to have cell phones at school.


Students eligible for transportation are expected to conduct themselves in a manner which allows for the safe transporting of students to and from school.  Students are expected to observe all bus rules and bus discipline policy as defined by the McNairy County Board of Education.  Riding privileges will be suspended if a student fails to conduct him/herself in an appropriate manner.


Parents must notify the school (in writing whenever possible) if their child is to ride a different bus or get off the bus somewhere other than at home.  The note must be approved by the principal prior to the child loading the bus.  Students walking home, to a factor, etc., or being picked up by someone different than usual must have a note dated and signed by the parent.  If the school is not officially notified of a change the student will be required to ride his/her regular bus home.


Textbooks are issued to the student at the time of enrollment.  Students are responsible for the books and will be charged for lost or damaged texts.  


All parents and visitors to Adamsville Elementary School must first report to the school office.  Visitors will need a valid driver’s license to sign in to our Ident-a-Kid program, which will provide a visitor’s badge.  A forgotten lunchbox or other necessary supplies should be brought to the office and will be delivered to the child by the office.


The procedure for withdrawal and transfer is as follows:

  1.  Notify the school office.
  2. Complete any necessary forms.
  3. Return all books and school property.
  4. Pay all fees owed.

  1. Chewing gum is not permitted.
  2. Eating is allowed only during breakfast, lunch, and at approved snack time.
  3. Listen carefully to announcements from the office.
  4. Do not talk when passing through the library, in hallways, or restrooms.
  5. Walk, do not run to class.
  6. Only learning materials and equipment requested by the teacher are allowed in school.  No toys, radio/CD players, cards of any kind, or other objects that deter learning.
  7. Cell phones are not permitted at school.
  8. All academic work done for credit must be done by the student in his/her handwriting.  Parents and others are permitted and encouraged to help if necessary.
  9. Students are permitted to bring water in a clear water bottle only. Yetis or other non-transparent bottles or cups will not be permitted.


Definition of Bullying – A student is being bullied when he/she is exposed repeatedly over time, to physical, verbal, psychological attacks, or intimidation from one or more students.

AES Student Pledge –

  1.  We will not bully others.
  2. We will try to help those who are bullied.
  3. We will try to include others that are being left out.
  4. If we know someone is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school and an adult at home.

School Rules-

  1.  Everyone will be treated with respect.
  2. All students will be included in activities.
  3. Bullying behaviors will not be tolerated.
  4. Students will not watch, laugh, or join in when someone is being bullied.


When individual circumstances at school dictate, there will be special accommodations made for students with documented food allergens.  An IHP (Individual Health Plan) will be provided and appropriate staff will be notified.  The following procedures will be in place;

  • Cafeteria menus will be provided monthly and notification of any ensuing modifications of said menu.

Parents/guardians are responsible for notifying the school of potential problems with the menu within five school days of serving.

  • Cafeteria personnel will be responsible for sanitizing designated seating for one table before the student arrives for any meal.
  • Faculty/staff will be trained on appropriate measures for the health of students with food allergies on an annual basis.
  • Any other accommodations must be approved by the principal with the knowledge of the school nurse.
  • Due to student allergies, all items brought to school for parties or special occasions must be store-bought with a visible ingredient list. These items should be pre-approved by the school nurse. 


Cell Phone use by students is not and will not be allowed at any time during the school day. The school day is defined from the time a student arrives on campus in the morning until the student exits campus either at the end of the school day or the end of the afterschool program. (Exception would be for coaches/club sponsors to allow students to use a cell phone to contact parents/guardians after a practice or after school event.)

This does not mean that the administration, teachers, and staff will be conducting searches for devices as it is a reality that many students will have cell phones with them. 

 Administration Procedures:

If a student is found using a phone at school or a student’s phone rings, buzzes, etc, the following procedure will take place: 

  • K-5th grade:

The student will be asked to give the phone to the teacher, who will then turn in to an administrator. A parent will be contacted and asked to pick the phone up at school. 

  • Junior High (6-8th grades)

1st Chance: Principal will meet with the student, document the meeting and the phone will be returned to the student at the end of the school day.

2nd Chance: Principal will contact parents who will have to come get the device and the student will receive office referral.

3rd Chance: Same as 2nd chance except the student will receive consequences such as community service, ISS, after-school detention, etc.


**If a student is using a phone for inappropriate actions (taking or posting pictures/videos from or during school, etc), administration may skip the first 2 steps above and move to appropriate disciplinary actions. 


“THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT Adamsville Elementary School has been inspected for asbestos. A copy of the management plan can be found in the Superintendent’s Office.  If you have any questions call

(731)-645-3267.”  Thanks