Parents » Student Handbook

Student Handbook

Student Dress Code

Parents and students are responsible to make sure the student is appropriately dressed and following all the guidelines listed below whenever they are on any school property or at any school function:

4th-8th Dress Code and Appearance Policy

  1. All students are expected to be neat with clean clothing that is worn in the intended manner.
  2. All shorts, dresses and skirts must be the appropriate length which will be determined by one of the following methods (1) being no shorter than their longest finger when extended down straight at their side; or (2) being no shorter than six inches from the floor when kneeling on the floor. As long as it meets one of the methods it is considered appropriate.
  3. All pants, shorts, skirts, and dresses must not have rips/holes that bare skin or undergarments above the knee. 
  4. Leggings and tights must be covered by shorts, skirts, dresses or shirts that must meet the appropriate length as described above.
  5. All clothing must be worn in such a way that undergarments are not exposed, and midriff areas are covered at all times.
  6. Clothing that expresses violence, obscenities, hatred, or that advertises/promotes alcohol, tobacco, illegal substances, skulls, skull emblems, or sex is prohibited.
  7. Appropriate footwear must always be worn.
  8. Appropriate undergarments must always be worn.
  9. Boys must wear shirts with sleeves.
  10. Girls’ shirts must be at least 3 inches wide over the shoulder and not expose any undergarments on the shoulder or under their arms.
  11. No “backless”, “strapless”, “midriff”, low cut tops or cleavage is allowed.
  12. Sheer clothing cannot be used to meet the guidelines if the clothing beneath does not meet the guidelines.
  13. No pajama pants or other sleepwear may be worn to school unless related to a school event.
  14. Costumes or any kind of masks cannot be worn to school unless related to a school event.
  15. Hair must be worn in a style that is not distracting.
  16. Head coverings including hats cannot be worn at the school or on the bus except to sporting events, outside school events, or unless for religious purposes.
  17. Visible piercings are limited to the ears only. Other piercings must be covered or filled with a clear object.

Cell Phones

Student Cell Phones

Cell Phone use by students is not and will not be allowed at any time during the school day. The school day is defined from the time a student arrives on campus in the morning until the student exits campus either at the end of the school day or the end of the afterschool program. (Exception would be for coaches/club sponsors to allow students to use a cell phone to contact parents/guardians after a practice or after school event.)  This does not mean that the administration, teachers, and staff will be conducting searches for devices as it is a reality that many students will have cell phones with them. Those cell phones should be turned off or on silent and should not be visible by teacher, admin, or staff members; cell phones should be in book bags, not in pockets.

Administration Procedures:

If a student is found using a phone at school or a student’s phone rings, buzzes, etc, the following procedure will take place: 

K-5th grade:

The student will be asked to give the phone to the teacher, who will then turn in to an administrator. A parent will be contacted and asked to pick the phone up at school. 

 Any future violations will result in increased consequences such as community service, ISS, etc.

Junior High (6-8th grades)

The student will be asked to give the phone to the teacher, who will then turn in to an administrator. Administrator will conference with the student.

1st Chance: Principal will meet with the student, document the meeting, issue a warning, and the phone will be returned to the student at the end of the school day.

2nd Chance: Principal will contact parents who will have to come get the device and the student will receive an office referral and consequences such as community service, etc.

3rd Chance: Same as 2nd chance except the student will receive consequences such as ISS, after-school detention, etc.

Any future violations will result in increased consequences above.


**If a student is using a phone for inappropriate actions (making and/or posting pictures/videos from or during school, practices, games, etc), administration may skip the steps above and move to more appropriate disciplinary actions.